Tuesday, 23 August 2011

ACCA's Global MBA - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Why should I do this MBA? 
    The global MBA is awarded by Oxford Brookes University and is designed specifically for ACCA members, so it does not require unnecessary repetition of accounting, finance and strategic management elements which are already covered in your professional qualification. Instead you will further develop your existing knowledge and establish new skills. As a result you can complete the programme in 21 months – as opposed to 30 months which is the minimum period of time taken to complete an MBA for non ACCA members.

    The global MBA is also has a strong international element – with students from over 60 countries, and a choice of exam centres worldwide. Moreover, the programme is focused on the application of theory, so you can develop senior management skills and apply what you are learning while you are studying.

  2. Is the global MBA accredited? 
    Yes, the global MBA is accredited by the Association of MBAs, AMBA. Please visit the Association of MBAs website at www.mbaworld.com for further details.

  3. Who is my MBA awarded by? 
    You will be an enrolled as a student of Oxford Brookes University, who will make the award of the MBA. The global MBA comes within the domain of the Business School which received a score of 24/24 in Business and Management and Economics by the UK Quality Assurance Agency. Oxford Brookes University has a strong tradition of innovation and excellence in teaching. It continues to lead its peer group and in 2007 was named 'Best New University' for the seventh year running by The Sunday Times. With consistently high ratings in the university guides published in the UK's national press, and an excellent reputation for innovation teaching and learning, we are confident that you will receive the best preparation for your future career. The university was only of only 16 institutions across the country to receive multi-million pound awards to establish more than one 'Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning'.

  4. What appears on my degree certificate?The final award is MBA. The mode of study is not stated on your certificate as all three MBA programmes at Oxford Brookes University follow the same syllabus.

  5. I am not an ACCA member. Am I eligible to join the programme? 
    If you are an ACCA student or affiliate, you will need to wait until you have gained ACCA membership before you are eligible to take the global MBA and gain exemption from the finance module of the programme. If you are not studing for, or a member of, ACCA, then you may be eligible to join our full global MBA blended-learning programme. Please visit the Oxford Brookes University business school MBA website at www.mbaoxford.com for further details.

  6. How long does the programme take? As an ACCA member, it is possible to complete the programme in 21 months because of the exemption you receive for the finance module, but it may take longer depending on your other work and personal commitments.

  7. How many hours of study are involved? You should be prepared to devote around 15 hours per week to studying. How much time is involved will of course depend upon individual needs, abilities and learning styles.

  8. What support do I get on the global MBA programme? Oxford Brookes has put together a first-class system of support so you can expect to receive encouragement and feedback during your studies. University tutors are at hand to stimulate discussion, question, challenge and guide you. Tutors can be contacted in seminars or individually through the mailbox on the Virtual Campus or by telephone. In addition, the programme director and course manager are there to discuss issues that may be impacting on your studies and the global MBA programme administrators are there to help with any administrative issues. We believe that this level of support is one of the key reasons why this blended-learning MBA has an unusally high retention rate – so you can feel confident about completing the programme.

  9. What study materials will I receive? 
    Once registered you will have access to the following services provided through the Virtual Campus:
    - the University Business School Virtual Library, which gives you access to thousands of business articles and up-to-date reports which can be downloaded and printed
    - an e-seminar area where, as part of a tutorial group, you can discuss business issues and share experiences on a global basis
    - a resource centre where module tutors can post helpful additional study material
    - mailboxes where you can send and receive private e-mails to and from module tutors
    - student common rooms where you can chat informally with other students
    - notice boards where you can keep up-to-date with the latest course developments.

  10. How do I access the Virtual Library? 
    You can access the Virtual Library from anywhere in the world through the ACCA web site or through the Virtual Campus. This will give you access to thousands of business articles and up-to-date reports, which can be downloaded and printed.

  11. How many exams do I take?There are two modules that are assessed by exam, Foundations of Management Part A (FMA) and Global Business Strategy (GBS). The remaining modules are assessed by assignment. 

  12. How is the programme assessed? The programme is assessed in a variety of ways – these include contributions to seminars and the completion of assignments, exams and a dissertation.

  13. When do exams take place? 
    Exams normally take place in the first week of June and December each year.

  14. Do I have to attend any face-to-face sessions?It is compulsory to participate in two intensive three day workshops. It is anticipated that workshops will normally take place in Oxford and at a different overseas venue each year. 

  15. Where can I take exams?When registering for the programme you will be asked at which of ACCA's exam centres world wide you would prefer to sit your exams.

  16. How do I get my assessment results? A letter will be sent to you informing you of your results and the remaining studies on your programme. You will also be able to access your results via the web.

  17. What are the deadlines for registration? 
    The closing date for receiving declaration forms and payment is at least one month before the start of the next programme. Applicants who are required to submit further information in support of their application should allow sufficient time for all the information to arrive two months prior to the start date of the programme that they wish to join. 

  18. Do you offer any scholarships or financial assistance?ACCA awards two scholarships per year for ACCA's global MBA programme. The closing date for applications is normally the end of February. 

  19. What happens after I have completed the online registration? Having completed the registration screens, you must print off the Declaration Form. It is important that you read and understand the statements on the Declaration Form. Sign the form and send it with a recent passport sized photograph to:
    Global MBA Programme Administrator
    Oxford Brookes University Business School
    Wheatley Campus
    OX33 1HX
    United Kingdom

    Once your application has been verified you will receive a letter telling you whether or not you have been accepted. Just before the programme begins you will receive a welcome pack with information about the online induction programme and details concerning the distribution of material.

  20. If I choose to pay via the installment option, when do I have to pay the balance of the fees?
    ACCA members will be invoiced for the second payment one month in advance of the one year anniversary of the start of your programme. Payment must be received one month before the start of the second year.

  21. What happens if my payment is late? 
    If payment is late, not received, or not honoured, then you will be considered to have deferred. You will not have access to the Virtual Campus or to the Virtual Library or to your tutors. To reinstate you on the programme an additional fee of £150 will also have to be paid. 


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